We use Laravel because it's the best PHP framework

Among the words and expressions used in the web development jardon, there is what is called the framework. Laravel is just one of these famous PHP frameworks. Want to know more? We invite you to complete this article in this case.

What is a framework?

These are the tools used to facilitate the web development work called framework. These devices allow it to gain productivity. The framework thus constitutes a coherent foundation and generally brings together the bases of a computer software or a web application.

In the case of PHP in particular, frameworks merge several basic functions that can be seen on a large majority of PHP applications. Authentication, error management, or rights administration are examples.

Regarding the usefulness of this tool, it should be noted that the more important it is, the more it can resemble a language in its own right. It is therefore very important to have all the necessary knowledge to master it. This could take some time.

On the site http://www.simplyphp.com/, you can have more information about the PHP framework.


Laravel is one of the most well known and widely used PHP frameworks. Having an important community, its manipulation is rather easy compared to its competitors. It is also a guarantee of sustainability not only for the framework but also for its users including developers.

Compared to other tools, Laravel is a complete PHP framework. It has well-documented documentation. But its main asset is its simplicity. It is always easy to write code with this tool. In addition, the code is also decryptable, concise and pleasant to read. There are programming standards. If the developer feels the desire to add extensions, with Laravel, it is feasible and it does not require the particular manipulation of several techniques.

This tool allows to have on hand a system of sending of electronic message and efficient routing. It also offers an efficient template engine, a handy form designer and an authentication system for connections. It also integrates a creator of SQL queries and a competitive ORM.

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